
Need help with placing or tracking an order, want to know more about our products or services? You've come to the right place!


I am having problem making a payment?

If the payment system doesn’t allow to make a payment with your credit card, please contact your bank directly and discuss the issue at hand with one of their consultant. We can also suggest to make use of the EFT payment option. If none of the above work, please contact us through our support centre. We will gladly assist.

The prices are not showing?

When viewing a product without a price, you can simply click on the ‘Product Enquiry’ button in the product viewing details window. One of our consultants will then reply to your query

I cannot access my cart?

The cart can be accessed at all time. If for some reason you cannot view the products in your cart, try to click the ‘Clear Basket’ button. Re-select your items and access the cart once more time.

How do I contact Auction4Builder?

Auction4Builder is an online store and we try to have our system to be automated to the fullest. But if you are experiencing any kind of issue, please make use of our support page to either communicate with us via our live chat or submit a ticket with your query.


How do i sell my products?


Deleting my Add?


Editing my Add?


Creating Search alerts?


Managing my Subscriptions?


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